
Michele Mally

Rudolf Buchbinder,洛伦佐·里凯尔米,Alfred Weidinger









海兔影院(www.haituw.com)第一时间为您提供《克里姆特与席勒:灵欲之间》的免费在线观看,克里姆特与席勒:灵欲之间是由 Michele Mally导演,Rudolf Buchbinder,洛伦佐·里凯尔米,Alfred Weidinger等领衔主演,本片(剧)上映于 2018,对白语言为 意大利语,属于 纪录片,传记 类型, 敬请知悉。最后,祝您观影愉快!以下为剧情简介:

1918. As the roar of the First World War cannons is dying out, in Vienna, the heart of Central Europe, a golden age comes to an end. This Exhibition On Screen delves into the turn-of-the-century Vienna artworld and includes tours through exhibitions of Klimt and Schiele’s works. Today the masterpieces of these two artists attract visitors from all over the world, in Vienna as well as at the Neue Galerie in New York, but there are also pop images that accompany our daily life on posters, postcards and calendars. Inspired by some of the many exhibitions that are about to open on the occasion of the centenary, the film guides us through the halls of Albertina, Belvedere, Kunsthistorisches, Leopold, Freud and Wien Museum, retracing this extraordinary season: a magical moment for art, literature and music, in which new ideas are circulated, Freud discovers the drives of the psyche, and women begin to claim their independence. An age that revealed the abysses of the ego, in which today we’re still reflecting ourselves.

1918年。随着第一次世界大战大炮的轰鸣声逐渐消失,在中欧中心城市维也纳,一个黄金时代即将结束。这个屏幕上的展览深入探讨了世纪之交的维也纳艺术世界,包括参观克里姆特和席勒的作品展览。今天,这两位艺术家的杰作吸引了来自世界各地、维也纳以及纽约Neue Galerie的游客,但也有流行图片伴随着我们的日常生活在海报、明信片和日历上。受即将在百年之际开幕的众多展览的启发,这部电影引导我们穿过阿尔贝蒂娜、贝尔维德雷、艺术史学家、利奥波德、弗洛伊德和维恩博物馆的大厅,回顾这一非凡的季节:艺术、文学和音乐的神奇时刻,在这一时刻,新的思想正在传播,弗洛伊德发现了精神的驱动力,女性开始宣称自己的独立。一个揭示自我深渊的时代,今天我们仍在反思自己。

更新时间:2019-12-25 19:30:21 / 热度:0°C